These 6 Tips Will Teach You How to Comfortably NOT Breastfeed

These 6 Tips Will Teach You How to Comfortably NOT Breastfeed

There are many reasons people choose not to breastfeed or cannot physically breastfeed. If you are in the category of not breastfeeding, remember, that is okay! Do not allow others to put you on a guilt trip. It is your body and your baby, so choosing what works for you is your decision!

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Postpartum Expectations and Must-have Items

Postpartum Expectations and Must-have Items

To help you prepare for an easier postpartum time and a speedy recovery after birth, here are a dozen comfort suggestions and must-have items to have on hand following either a surgical or vaginal delivery.

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When Your Water Breaks: AROM Labor Management

When Your Water Breaks: AROM Labor Management

It is best to understand your options, and always weigh risk versus benefit. No matter whether you choose to have your water broken or wish to avoid having it done, be sure you are making your choices because you understand and are comfortable with the decision at hand.

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The Most Common Complications of Childbirth

The Most Common Complications of Childbirth

1 out of 7 new moms experience a postpartum mood or anxiety disorder. In fact, perinatal depression and anxiety are the most common complications of childbirth. However, it's not being talked about with (or between) new moms, leaving these women to suffer in silence. It's time we learned about these conditions and the factors that can put a mom at a higher risk.

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Tips To Help Make Breastfeeding Easier When Going Back To Work

Tips To Help Make Breastfeeding Easier When Going Back To Work

PART 1 of 2: Breastfeeding is not the norm for much of the USA and it’s hard to get people to understand the amount of work it takes to be successful at it. To promote breastfeeding success while you are still pregnant keep these helpful tips handy.

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Caring For Aging Parents and Young Children at the Same Time

Caring For Aging Parents and Young Children at the Same Time

Since adults of the sandwich generation are spread between their responsibilities toward their children, parents, and careers, they are often susceptible to both mental and financial stress. It is therefore important for them to seek resources that can help them manage their situation. Below, we’ve provided a few tips if you are an adult of the sandwich generation to help you balance your multiple caregiving responsibilities.

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