Mindful Preparation: Strategies for an Informed and Confident Childbirth Experience 

Unlock your potential with our quick and impactful course, Mindful Preparation, designed for busy people. Take it at your own pace whenever you’d like. In just a few hours, each mini-course gives you the essential knowledge and skills to enhance your childbirth experience.

Our childbirth mini-courses are available as 1 FULL class: Mindful Preparation at a special intro price.

Why choose our childbirth courses?

  • Expert Guidance: Created by seasoned doulas who understand the journey of childbirth.

  • Inclusive Language: It’s our only way to speak. Not all pregnant people consider themselves expectant mothers. We’re a (queer) inclusive practice and welcome everybody including husbands and wives but you won’t read or hear those labels in our courses.

  • Quick and Convenient: Designed to fit into your busy schedule. Works on mobile and desktop.

What you will gain:

  • Evidence-Based Practices: Learn the latest research and techniques to support your birth plan.

  • Labor Support Strategies: Discover effective methods to manage pain and navigate the labor process.

  • Postpartum Preparation: Equip yourself with tools for recovery and newborn care to ensure a smooth transition into the “4th trimester”.


Mindful Preparation: Strategies for an Informed and Confident Childbirth Experience 
$97 includes all of these mini-courses:

1. Building a Strong Support System: Roles and Rapport $27

How to use information for team empowerment, and self-advocacy. Autonomy, communicating needs, and trusting the process.

2. Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Birth Planning $27

Strategies to prepare for a calm, confident birth experience. Visualizations, breathwork, and movement exercises.

3. Understanding the Childbirth Process: Labor Stages $27

A review of anatomy, medications, and routine interventions. What to expect, staying flexible, and evaluating your options.

4. Understanding the Fourth Trimester: Postpartum Support $27

New parent care and expectations after baby is born. Emotional and physical recovery, self-care, and mental health support.