Prepping For Baby
The Ultimate BF Online Class
If you don’t want the stress & worry about how to “figure it all out” after the baby arrives, take a prenatal body-feeding class to gain confidence. You’ll learn how to latch baby and use multiple positions to feed them. This class reviews milk expression and safe storage too. Use the code HAPPIEST since we’ve already paid for your registration to the Ultimate BF Class.
Pumping Essentials
For pump options and help with insurance reimbursement, try this online guide, Pumping Essentials. We recommend you order an electric pump (Spectra S series) and a manual pump like a Haakaa device or Medela Harmony. After researching 31 pumps and putting 13 to the test for 5 months, the New York Times identified standouts that suit multiple pumping styles and needs.
If you aren't exclusively feeding via a bottle, it is unnecessary to pump milk during the first few weeks postpartum. Introduce your baby to a bottle when they are around 4 weeks old. At this time, your baby will have figured out how to latch correctly, so there is little reason to be concerned about nipple confusion. Begin bottle feeding (try these) once or twice a week until your baby has successfully fed from the bottle. We recommend your partner feeds with the bottle while you aren’t nearby.
NOT Bodyfeeding
There are many reasons people choose not to bodyfeed or cannot physically do so. If you are in the category of not body-feeding, remember, that is okay! Do not allow others to put you on a guilt trip. It is your body and baby, so choosing what works for you is your decision. These 6 Tips Will Teach You How to Comfortably NOT Breastfeed.
Feeding Options
Some people find that their bodies have a hard time producing enough milk to keep up with their baby’s demand for it. This is where a hybrid mixture of feeding directly from the body and using donor milk and/or formula is quite beneficial to increase supply as well as keeping your baby well-fed.
Milk directly from the body or pumped and delivered by bottle, cup, syringe, or SNS system, etc.
Milk collected from a milk bank or donated by friends and family and fed to the baby using a bottle, cup (shot glass), syringe, or SNS system, etc.
Formula delivered by bottle, cup, syringe, or SNS system, etc.
Hybrid version of using formula or body milk to be fed via bottle, SNS, etc., and/or feeding with the body directly.
Once Baby is Here...
Newborn Weight Loss and IV Fluids in Labor
Babies exposed to increased fluids before birth might be born over-hydrated, requiring the baby to regulate his or her fluid levels during the first 24 hours after birth. The more IV-logged the mother, the ‘puffier’ the baby. As the baby regulates its hydration, weight calibrates to what probably would have been its natural birth weight (usually at 24 hours, say the researchers).
If a baby loses weight quickly (7-10% weight loss is normal) in the first few days of life it can cause a desire for supplementation to offset the weight loss. The body-feeding parent and baby should be monitored and given time to resolve the issue before resorting to unnecessary supplementation. Save this article about Breastfeeding Your Newborn.
Join a Local Mother's Group or La Leche League
The mission of the La Leche League is to help people through peer-to-peer support, encouragement, and education. Local groups in the Atlanta metro area and St Pete/Pinellas County are available to join so you can receive and provide assistance with body-feeding complications and solutions. Also, Kelly Mom is a great online resource for learning how to fix common problems with breastfeeding.
Sharing Bodymilk
Eats on Feets is a Facebook community that allows parents to post their need to receive or share milk. For donor milk or pump rentals, check out Tampa Breastfeeding Center.
A Proper Latch
Position Demonstrations
Supply, Infections and Troubleshooting
You will likely only pump 1/2 to 2 ounces of milk at one time when you first begin. Don't be discouraged! As your baby gets older and feeding requirements change, you will see an increase in your pumped milk output. Choose 2 or 3 set times per day to pump and stay consistent. Doing so will allow your body to produce milk at the set pumping times. Be sure to get adequate rest, nutrition, and hydration to maximize pumping sessions.
Call your doula for guidance!
Returning to Work
When you're ready to return to work, try these tips from our blog.
If you find that body-feeding postpartum or pumping after your return to work is decreasing your quality of life, weigh the pros and cons of continuing the routine. If pumping makes you unhappy, switching to other milk supplies, such as donor milk or formula, might be the healthiest choice for you, emotionally. Yes, milk from you offers the most nutrition for your baby, but having a happy, well-balanced parent is important too.