Benefits of Upright and Spontaneous Pushing and How to Get Support For What You Want

Benefits of Upright and Spontaneous Pushing and How to Get Support For What You Want

The female body is designed to give birth and has been doing so successfully for years. All too often, medical interventions are used unnecessarily leading to more interventions, medicine, and possibly, complications. In recent years, with increased technology and medical interventions, women have been being limited to giving birth on their backs with guided pushing by their care professionals in recent years. Evidence does not support these restrictions.

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Make Labor Productive with Positivity, Positions and Personal Support

Make Labor Productive with Positivity, Positions and Personal Support

Movement during labor optimizes baby's positioning by using gravity to helps engage baby into the pelvis, naturally move baby down the birth canal, and can help relieve pain. It can also decrease the amount of intervention needed to help labor progress. Follow these 3 major points to ensure you have freedom of movement during labor.

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These 6 Healthy Practices Alleviate Childbirth Fears and Help Manage Labor Pain

These 6 Healthy Practices Alleviate Childbirth Fears and Help Manage Labor Pain

These practices are designed to help simplify your birth process with a natural approach that helps alleviate your fears and manage discomfort. No matter what type of labor, the length of your labor, or your confidence level, these practices are key to keeping your birth and baby as safe and healthy as possible.

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6 Points For Birth Partners to Consider When Hiring a Labor Doula

6 Points For Birth Partners to Consider When Hiring a Labor Doula

Sometimes, one partner REALLY wants to hire a doula and the other can't justify the expense or won't face the realities of the upcoming birthday. Here are my suggestions of talking points for reserving doula service and private instruction for an optimal birth experience.

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Hormones and the Waiting Game: Letting Labor Begin on its Own, Weighing Benefits v Risks of Induction

Hormones and the Waiting Game: Letting Labor Begin on its Own, Weighing Benefits v Risks of Induction

Just as little humans grow at different rates, some babies never get the memo that they are supposed to be ready to come out on the day a provider or ultrasound estimated. However, when they are ready, your body knows, and will begin the process of evicting its tiny tenant in the most beneficial way possible.

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When Childbirth Moved Into Hospitals Labor Support Was Left Behind

When Childbirth Moved Into Hospitals Labor Support Was Left Behind

The 2013 Cochrane Review concluded that all women should have continuous support during labor, and further state that the services of a person, such as a doula, with some training, who is experienced in providing labor support, is the most beneficial.

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7 Key Ingredients to a Good Night’s Sleep for Your Newborn

7 Key Ingredients to a Good Night’s Sleep for Your Newborn

Sleeping and getting your baby on a schedule are two of the most common subjects parents seem to have questions about. I recommend you start your baby on a predictable routine between 6 and 8 weeks of age. Additionally, here are 7 tips to helping your baby get a good night's rest.

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