Labor Tips for Birth Partners

As your due date approaches, it's completely natural for your partner to feel some anxiety regarding how they can best support you during the labor process. To help ease their uncertainty, I’ve compiled a helpful list of suggestions to guide them through it!

For instance, in early labor, taking a long, warm bath can be incredibly soothing, as it can relieve tension and ease anxiety. This suggestion is primarily meant for the laboring patient; however, if your tub is spacious enough, it can become a wonderful, relaxing experience for both of you to share.

The latent phase of labor is typically the longest stage of the process and can often wax and wane over time. It’s a great idea to take it easy during this time. Try to rest as much as possible between contractions and allow labor to progress at its own pace. Every minute of sleep that you manage to get will help to ward off future fatigue during the more intense active and pushing stages ahead.

It might be best to save the use of a shower for when you are at the hospital, as it may provide effective pain relief and help facilitate the progress of labor. For an optimal birth experience, explore additional tips here on how birth partners can provide effective and compassionate labor support.